Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156981-157000 of all 180,554 gems.
89,8570theill-ruby-web-searchA Ruby gem that provides a way to retrieve search results via the main search engines u...
89,8570theill-twitter4rA clean Twitter client API in pure Ruby. Will include Twitter add-ons also in Ruby.
89,8570nytimes_bestseller_apiIt helps to retreive up to date bestseller list using New York Times API!
89,8570right_onThis helps systems manage rights and roles on a controller/action basis.
89,8570standard-mkvRuby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer - @makevoid's fork
89,8570sqdSquid (sqd) namespace reservation
89,8570rtclA Rails blog
89,8570rack-anystatusProvides a simple API to serve a file at a given path with a specific status code.
89,8570sparsamRuby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
89,8570rabbit-slide-nishidayuya-do_not_delete[Redmine Japan Vol.3](https://redmine-japan.org/timetable/#b07-1) の発表資料 2023-07-07に開催された.
89,8570riffraff_jsonpathThe gem implements a simple parser+evaluator for JSONPath expressions in Ruby. It is a ...
89,8570stashboxrUpload files to stashbox.org and manage their metadata. User accounts or anonymous uplo...
89,8570emojisA Ruby gem for Emoji!
89,8570it_is_meThis gem extends the Knock gem and also manages the CRUD of the users
89,8570prontoformsA library for using the ProntoForms REST API in Ruby applications.
89,8570jrxadesJrxades es una gema JRuby que permite firmar un documento xml con un certificado .p12, ...
89,8570rack-hatena_starRack Middleware for Hatena star.
89,8570google-cloud-deployGoogle Cloud Deploy is a managed service that automates delivery of your applications t...
89,8570smspromoteLibrary that provides access to the smspromote.de sms gateway service.
89,8570mbraoA content parser and renderer with embedded metadata support.