Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157441-157460 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380rchessA ruby chess game
89,5380isa-friendly_id_datamapperAn adapter for using DataMapper::Resource with FriendlyId.
89,5380killshotFind hotlinks on a given domain
89,5380PCS_pomodorotimes 25 minutes then times 3 minute breaks.
89,5380file_processorA more powerful CSV file processor
89,5380geo_coderGeocode a text address.
89,5380sifferSiffer is a SIF that plans to remove the complexity from the implementation. Siffer...
89,5380jekyll-sheafyThis Jekyll plugin is heavily inspired by Gerby, the tool used to build the Stacks Proj...
89,5380defokerCreate various kind of date-base format named folders.
89,5380hashes_equalProvides an assertion to test for hashes equality.
89,5380jsonapi-serializer-formatsA module to enrich JSON:API Serializers (https://github.com/jsonapi-serializer) with co...
89,5380flow-buildflow build
89,5380salesforce_exporterThis gem lets you export selected Salesforce Objects to SQLite.
89,5380simple_pinA simple gem for creating customers and charges using pin-payments (pin.net.au) API
89,5380milk717-thememilk717 first theme
89,5380pretty_floatsa small utility to format floating point numbers for easier reading
89,5380scout_railsMonitors a Ruby on Rails application and reports detailed metrics on performance to Sco...
89,5380jcnetdev-shouldaShoulda consists of test macros, assertions, and helpers added on to the Test::Unit fra...
89,5380simple-validatorsAdds model validations to the host application
89,5380rasti-dbDatabase collections and relations