Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157361-157380 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800rspamd-rubyClient for Rspamd's HTTP API
102,5800swift-source-kitSource code helpers for Apple's Swift language.
102,5800ontomdeThis gem is an empty gem that will trigger the installation of every ontomde gem. ==...
102,5800bcms_blogThe Blog Module for BrowserCMS
102,5800ruby-internalRuby-Internal is Ruby module that provides direct access to Ruby's internal data struct...
102,5800activerecord_time_scopesA collection of time scopes for activerecord, including created_after/created_before/up...
102,5800webget_ruby_rampWebGet Ruby Gem: Ramp gem provides base extensions to ruby classes and rails classes.
102,5800babbel_explorerLanguages by Country Gem
102,5800thumbor_helperscollection of helpers to simplify live for use thumbor with rails and alchemy
102,5800orm_adapter_rails4_fixProvides a single point of entry for using basic features of ruby ORMs
102,5800overseasOverseas shipping ruby gem for UPS and DHL apis.
102,5800testifyTestify is a test framework framework. Think "Rack for testing."
102,5800riak-cacheriak-cache is an ActiveSupport::Cache::Store that is backed by Riak. It supports Active...
102,5800auto_localeAutomatically set the current locale from the browsers HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header
102,5800omniauth-mendeleyMendeley strategy for OmniAuth
102,5800ndc_treeNdcTree is a library outputs a list of NDC(Nippon Decimal Classification) as a tree-str...
102,5800testbot_cloudA tool for creating and managing testbot clusters in the cloud
102,5800arknmaxnmax function
102,5800testrail_helperA tool to help get and parse testrail data
102,5800opdsruby lib to access OPDS feeds