Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157381-157400 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800tengine_eventTengine Event API to access the queue
102,5800activerecord-viewSQL views with ActiveRecord
102,5800salgoA collection of algorithms and datastructure for ruby written in ruby.
102,5800riot_js-railsThis gem provides integration of Muut Riot with Rails
102,5800active-record-atomicAtomic updates to ActiveRecord models
102,5800valvat_cacheValvat_cache caches in a json file results of the VIES validation keeping it a couple o...
102,5800onlyoffice_digitalocean_wrapperWrapper gem for DigitalOcean. Use in testing projects
102,5800puppet-sec-lintLinter built to detect potential security vulnerabilities in Puppet manifests code. It ...
102,5800solr_cursorstreamGet an iterator on a solr filter using stream/cursor
102,5800raigen-railsRAIGEN: Ruby AI Generation for Rails
102,5800assert_repeatedAssertions that run multiple times for testing functions with large domains
102,5800ralyxaA Ruby framework for interacting with Amazon Alexa. Designed to work with Sinatra, alth...
102,5800stitch_railscoffee CommonJS
102,5800rabbit-wqA work queue built on RabbitMQ and Celluloid. See README for more details.
102,5800ruby-keepassxThis is fork of Tony Pitluga's Ruby API for keepassx with read-write support.
102,5800active_record_uuidactive_record_uuid is a nice gem that add uuid supports to your activerecord models (My...
102,5800roconnectorA Ruby interface an online registration service's API version 1.
102,5800test_kickerA lightweight autotester based on Kicker and Testify
102,5800ruboty-tweetstreamRuboty handler to stream specified user's tweet from Twitter.
102,5800spree_paypal_expressAdds PayPal Express as a Payment Method to Spree store