Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157421-157440 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380extended_has_enumerationExtends ActiveRecord with the has_enumeration method allowing a symbolic enumeration to...
89,5380maddocBetter markdown to HTML renderer.
89,5380gwtthe Google Webmaster Toolkit gem
89,5380interface_comparatorModule that checks if two objects has the same interface including public methods list ...
89,5380newsletterEmail newsletter templating and management system which allows a designer to develop te...
89,5380fadada法大大实名认证电子合同Ruby SDK
89,5380rails_logtruncateTruncate test and development logs when they reach specific size
89,5380temporal-rubyA Ruby client for implementing Temporal workflows and activities in Ruby
89,5380ft-finicityA ruby gem to make it easy to integrate Finicity API to your ruby app.
89,5380pxgraphvizGenerates a GraphViz Markup Language file from a Polyrex document
89,5380rabbit-slide-znz-lilo-20170107前回の発表以降の lilo.linux.or.jp の管理の話をします。
89,5380truncate_logsIf you use binary data post or so. Your log file is soon too large. This gem provides t...
89,5380eac_rails_delayed_jobPut here de description.
89,5380open_jp_reverse_geocoderanswer the address from latitude and longitude.
89,5380rabbit-slide-kou-the-data-threadIt is known for data processing world that Apache Arrow is important. This talk shares ...
89,5380koyo-postgres-replicationSimple Postgres replication helper
89,5380skos2htmlConvert SKOS to a clean readable HTML file.
89,5380phplistPhplist subscriber
89,5380rubyqcRubyQC -- A conceptual [QuickCheck][] library for Ruby. It's not a faithful port since...