Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157781-157800 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380json_catFormat JSON to be easier to read; colorize, sort keys, etc.
69,2380sluggable_timFor Tealeaf Academy, Course 2
69,2380hikki-mongoA Mongo adapter for Hikki.
69,2380vim_pathogen_plugin_managerPlugin manager for Pathogen. Vundle has one, now Pathogen does too.
69,2380markbates-gem_toolsA lightweight tool to manage gems using a config file, similar to GemInstaller
69,2380librailsMy Rails Plugin
69,2380google_search_cseA library to use google search in Rails application.
69,2380gemacalcthis is a gem to use in rails, this gem do some basic math operations
69,2380middleman-blog-similar-groongaMiddleman extension to list similar pages using Groonga
69,2380kuby-prebundlerUse Prebundler to install your bundle when building Docker images with Kuby.
69,2380lita-teamcityCommunicate with TeamCity REST API
69,2380salveA simple hello world gem
69,2380xapian-fuA library to provide a more Ruby-like interface to the Xapian search engine.
69,2380gitanThis gem provides some commands to manage multiple git repositories.
69,2380push_notifierThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
69,2380s2S2 generates code to handle data in an uniform manner
69,2380trasherSoft Delete records with deleted_at and deleted_by
69,2380ruboty-generatorruboty-generator generate ruboty plugin template.
69,2380vagrant-box-gcsVagrant plugin to download boxes from Google GCS.