Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157821-157840 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171cardmarket_cliCLI for cardmarket.com
147,2171razorrisk-razor-controlSupport library for controlling razor testing environments.
147,2171stumieAPI gem to pull information from stumie.com
147,2171apitectoA ruby library for generating REST Api documentation using API Blueprint
147,2171railsdeprecatedsanitizerYou probably meant `gem install rails-deprecated_sanitizer`.
147,2171scanrscanR ruby client
147,2171ruby-kafka-oauth-clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171restful-externalfacilitiesRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's ExternalFacilities RESTful microservice
147,2171apple_trailersGathers movie and trailer information from Apple Trailers.
147,2171saveconfLets you specify configuration schemes and configurations in a manner, that they can be...
147,2171bio-incanterA Jruby wrapper to Incanter lib
147,2171portalThe cake is a lie!
147,2171rspecexpectationsYou probably meant `gem install rspec-expectations`.
147,2171vietslugConvert Vietnamese string to slug
147,2171benzinatorGem to wrap BensBenzes.com API
147,2171secret_utilityThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171calc_omontoy3An calculator implementation on ruby
147,2171services-clientedgeserviceRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's Client Edge Service
147,2171barchartThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171rubychina_apiSimple wrapper for the RubyChina API