Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157861-157880 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171spree_avataxSpree extension for Avalara tax calculation.
147,2171postgres-pr-encodingA pure Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL (>= 7.4) database
147,2171takaTaka is a DOM (core and html) implementation for ruby. This software is EXTREMELY expe...
147,2171payu-sdkOfficial Ruby SDK for PayU
147,2171akinAkin is a plugin system that is compatible client side, thanks to Opal.
147,2171studio_game_swuA game where players collect treasure and the person with the most points wins.
147,2171xendit-rubyJust a placeholder
147,2171sassc-rails-svg-data-urlAdds svg_data_url as a Sass function.
147,2171pdf_to_pngA simple lib to change PDF files to PNG files
147,2171akane-kinesisstorage plugin for akane that post to Amazon Kinesis.
147,2171uss_monte_carloFlagship of the Monaco Navy
147,2171ehoch_simple_formForms made easy!
147,2171safe_unrefineUndefines the 'refine' method from Module safely
147,2171sin_refinementsEnable Proc level Refinements forcibly.
147,2171rbac-api-clientRuby client gem to connect to Insights RBAC Service
147,2171unicorn-prewarmTo prewarm workers, warm caches and load everything before real requests.
147,2171redis-reactorAn EventMachine Redis client.
147,2171tugg_apiInteract with the Tugg API via Ruby's EventMachine
147,2171urushiolUrushiol was born out of necessity. When we decided to migrate our reverse proxy routin...