Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157801-157820 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171workflow2_typesWorkflow2 Types
147,2171spectrateObject with continuous range in Ruby.
147,2171catalog-api-clientRuby client for catalog api
147,2171bantik-user-agentUser agent parser
147,2171simple-transferA gem for transfering files up to 30 mbs simply and with ease.
147,2171surenotify_railsAn adapter for using Surenotify with Rails and Action Mailer
147,2171connect_four_2307A simple gem to play Connect 4 from a CLI.
147,2171weaklyHelps generate monthly invoices with weekly activity summaries
147,2171xautobrowseA poor man's web automation tool primarily for Firefox in an X windows system.
147,2171railzDescription of Railz.
147,2171tmail_metasEnables extra meta data options for TMail::Mail objects
147,2171voteable_patrick_mayAn average voting gem
147,2171test_gooseA RSpec plugin that honks when your RSpec tests fail.
147,2171razorrisk-cassini-utilities-secretserverRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's Secret Server utility
147,2171danxexe-mailcatcherMailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to...
147,2171active_ldap-dynamic_findersActiveLdap dynamic finders
147,2171operatorAmazon SQS powered activemessaging clone for Rails 3.0
147,2171semanticgs-rails-tA simple asset gem bundling up the scss file from http://semantic.gs/
147,2171who_canAn AMQP-based scatter-gather job queuing protocol library
147,2171rawhideThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.