Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157921-157940 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772houston_0_testA simple hello world gem
136,3772innoq-ui-componentsinnoQ UI components for use in internal applications
136,3772jquery-drag-railsUse jquery-drag special events in rails
136,3772antlypls-authlogicHacked version of binarylogic/authlogic for mongoid support
136,3772signacA compiler for Signac, an Aspect/Object oriented, Actor Model focused programming language
136,3772atom_shortcutsA quick CLI reference to Atom shortcuts for Mac, Windows and Linux, with search function
136,3772mailsMountable Personal Messaging Engine for any Rails application.
136,3772hola_hxcanA simple hello world gem
136,3772gemiusParses your Gemfile.lock file and lists all dependencies.
136,3772medrare-gocardlessA Ruby wrapper for the GoCardless API
136,3772mully-mongo_treeAdd hierarchy tree functionality to MongoRecord (MongoDB) models.
136,3772lita-onewheel-iouHandles beer IOUs.
136,3772rails-observers-hpRails observer (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
136,3772carveRuby bindings for the Carve.io API.
136,3772dm-fql-adapterFQL Adapter for DataMapper
136,3772currency_numberalA simple currency exchange library.
136,3772facturapiRuby integration with facturacion.cl service
136,3772dht_sensorRuby C extension to access temperature and humidity reading taken by the DHT-XX type se...
136,3772mwalker-smailA simple RFC2822 email parser