Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157901-157920 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470smsRubyAn easy way to send and receive SMS message.
75,3470midwire_commonA useful Ruby library
75,3470hola_yshMove along...
75,3470tictocReport Tictoc timesheet summary by day
75,3470mingle_accessI'm sick of hacking the same HTTP/S and OAuth code every time I write a Mingle integrat...
75,3470simplefsmA simple and lightweight domain specific language (DSL) for modeling finite state machi...
75,3470mongrel_cluster_recoveryMongrel plugin that provides command for recovery multiple Mongrel processes.
75,3470steamcannon-deltacloud-coreThe Deltacloud API is built as a service-based REST API. You do not directly link a...
75,3470retrorock-jekyll-themeGem theme originally for retrorock.info
75,3470mortarClient library and command-line tool to interact with the Mortar service.
75,3470jsinstrumentInstrument JavaScript source code to monitor code coverage in pure Ruby
75,3470simple_google_driveA simple interface for Google Drive API
75,3470jameswilding-magpieA simple Ruby interface to Twitter's search API
75,3470lazy_formForms for the rest of us, the lazy.
75,3470puppet-module-win-system-r2.5A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.
75,3470isis-plugin-designmilkIsis plugin: Design Milk
75,3470smart_logger_wrapperSmartLoggerWrapper adds some useful features to the Ruby Logger or a subclass.
75,3470lccnormNormalize Library of Congress Control Numbers.
75,3470nssqlRepresent NetSuite tables as you want and fetch only the needed data.
75,3470whatsapp_botThis gem lets you send whatsapp message without using its api only whats app web. It le...