Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157881-157900 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170Cinch-TellLeave a message for someone on IRC who is not in the current channel. They will recieve...
141,6170envGenGenerates simple config/environment files for file and gem dependency handling
141,6170anonymizeAnonymize database data on the fly
141,6170citybikes_apiA ruby interface to the CityBikes API v2. Returns data about bike-share networks and st...
141,6170chronographChronograph is a Ruby DSL for making timelines
141,6170blockchain-walletProvides access to all blockchain.info Wallet API functions ( https://blockchain.info/a...
141,6170civic_aideA Ruby wrapper to interact with the Google Civic Information API
141,6170condenser-railsCondenser integration for Rails
141,6170dependabot-giteadependabot Gitea plugin
141,6170dockerfile-dslDockerfile DSL and generator
141,6170easier-instance-variable-accessAccess instance variables in Ruby the way you should be able to.
141,6170active_navigationActive Navigation is Rails plugin that helps building navigation menus
141,6170desertDesert is a component framework for Rails that allows your plugins to be packaged as mi...
141,6170controller_commandsA Rails controller concern which makes it easy to encapsulate validation and processing...
141,6170automatthew-cassandraGenerates CSS using Ruby, like Markaby
141,6170exchequerAn Object-Oriented approach to working with Chargify in Ruby
141,6170codezA collection of various mappings, such as fips to zip
141,6170dropcasterDropcaster is a podcast feed generator for the command line. It is most simple to use w...
141,6170elapseElapsed time measurement tool
141,6170bio-ucsc-utilRuby FFI binding of the ucsc kent src. Implemented utilities include: bigWigInfo, bigWi...