Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158281-158300 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380debprado-rvideoGives you video
129,5380xssA gem to control the world!
129,5380dalDal Client Library
129,5380carbonadoActivate installed gems at runtime. This means that gems can optionally use other insta...
129,5380erb_componentReact-style front-end components but for ERB?
129,5380vitrinaA general purpose Jekyll theme
129,5380css-getcommand line interface to install css libraries
129,5380weather-forecastsUtilizing the NDFD (National Weather Service Digital Forecast Database), weather foreca...
129,5380webget_ruby_secure_tokenWebGet Ruby Gem: SecureToken to generate a cryptographic string that is web-friendly an...
129,5380wfaWorkfrom Admin tools
129,5380blink1_rspec3_formatterBlink the blink1 at executed rspec finished..
129,5380estimatorEstimate remaining time based on previous values
129,5380benhoskings-ambitionAmbition builds yer API calls from plain jane Ruby.
129,5380toy-dynamoDynamoDB extension to toystore. Provides an ActiveModel based ORM for AWS DynamoDB.
129,5380db_graphAR generate beautiful graphs from date fields, in 1 LOC
129,5380concordia-publishing-house-syckA gemified version of Syck from Ruby's stdlib. Syck has been removed from Ruby's stdli...
129,5380devise_autosigninableIt adds support to be logged in by uniq link.
129,5380backlogcpBacklog file copy command like scp.
129,5380birthday_greetingThis is a simple ruby gem that provides a command line tool that prints hi whenever ...