Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158801-158820 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772ryanb-factory_girlfactory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error...
136,3772motion_stripestripe-ios wrapper for rubymotion
136,3772logicallLogicall is a minimalist implementation of interactor pattern with clear separation bet...
136,3772cucumber_rails3_genCucumber Rails 3 generators
136,3772IniSearchA simple ini search gem
136,3772lita-dotenvdotenv lita extension
136,3772nifipiWrapper around the web API for NiFi -- https://github.com/apache/nifi
136,3772wordify_lovelandnoahA couple of methods to make strings cool
136,3772centerstageCenterstage is a command line script to generate Sinatra based applications with data m...
136,3772ferrisA simple Slack client for Ruby.
136,3772simple_permissionsEasy and simple access control.
136,3772yahoo-videoA Ruby object-oriented interface to Yahoo! Video content.
136,3772git_installrubygems plugin to allow you to install an "edge" gem straight from its github repository
136,3772ActiveCohortQuickly product cohort reports from active record data.
136,3772session_secret_generatorUses SecureRandom to generate a 64 character random hexadecimal string for use as a ses...
136,3772chuckdbacon-activedirectoryActiveDirectory uses Net::LDAP to provide a means of accessing and modifying an Active ...
136,3772muncraftA simple hello world gem
136,3772datapostRead json from STDIN and post it to a designated REST endpoint. Useful for things like...
136,3772vocalThis is a placeholder for now, coming "soon". This is a blog engine that you can find f...