Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158841-158860 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470gost_translitGOST 7.79-2000 type b transliteration
75,3470money-converterCurrency converter
75,3470iosparseParse Cisco IOS configurations
75,3470twitter_feedObtiene los feeds de un usuario en Twitter
75,3470subsonic-rbInteract with a subsonic music streaming server
75,3470opsb-gitRuby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git reposito...
75,3470rocksdb-ruby-kmangA simple RocksDB library for Ruby
75,3470sspThe SSP gem provides various command line tools that Secret Sauce Partners, Inc. uses...
75,3470number_to_loveA wrapper around number_to_human
75,3470nvvmNeovim version manager.
75,3470handysassA basic utility kit with handy mixins and classes for Compass.
75,3470kubotOur rubykube slack bot facilitate our work
75,3470thermostat_Daan_Ver_EeckeA simple thermostat gem
75,3470ruby2drtleA ruby2d turtle
75,3470linkedlistAn iterable doubly linked list which can be used as a stack, queue or array list
75,3470keystokRuby client for Keystok service. https://keystok.com
75,3470koseki-mocksmtpdMock SMTP server for development/testing.
75,3470rabx-messageA RPC using Anything But XML (RABX) message parser and emitter