Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158861-158880 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910develapp-tardefTask and Related Data Exchange Format
151,8910easycard台灣悠遊卡交易紀錄查詢工具,支援指令模式。 A search tool for Taiwan EasyCard, supporting CLI mode.
151,8910easyconf-railsConfigure Rails apps with a simple YAML file.
151,8910easy_class_constantsGem adds class methods to create readable, writable and accessible constants.
151,8910easypartialsEasyPartials are a way to make partials in Rails even easier! This is an expansion of ...
151,8910EasyMapperAllows you to create a map that effectively defines the way the hash is mapped
151,8910aoandonAoandon (青行燈) is a minimalist network intrusion detection system (NIDS).
151,8910dhh:dhh: :dhh: :dhh:
151,8910cocoapods-xzpackagerCocoaPods plugin which allows you to generate a framework or static library from a pods...
151,8910carrierwave_streamio_ffmpegGenerates a various versions for carrierwave uploaded videos, v...
151,8910devcamp_copyright_toolWrite a longer description or delete this line.
151,8910cyphrbCyphr class has two methods, scram(str) and descram(str). Both use gsub! so your return...
151,8910bbc-cosmos-loggerLogging helper gem for GELF & file logging
151,8910destA ruby doctest library that allows you to write simple tests in your codes documentation.
151,8910dieta-alu0100226300Descripcion de la gema
151,8910carte-serversomething like dictionary, wiki, or information card
151,8910akezurel_scrapeSoftspec KU lab subject assignment that scrapes a stock market url.
151,8910codaOpen files with Coda from the command line.
151,8910cloudflockCloudFlock is a library and toolchain focused on migration
151,8910conformNhibernate ORM configuration by code