Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158881-158900 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470hq-log-monitor-serverHQ log monitor system, central component
75,3470prenusPretty Nessus = Prenus
75,3470rjack-httpclient-4A gem packaging of the HttpComponents HTTP Client 4.x for JRuby.
75,3470numberThe Number gem is intended to be a drop-in replacement for Ruby's Numeric classes when ...
75,3470node_cmsCMS for managing manual pages etc
75,3470simplytech_holaA simple hello world gem
75,3470todaysplanA Ruby Library for TodaysPlan
75,3470mercator_bechlemMercatorMesonic interfaces between Mercator and Bechlem in the realm of product cross s...
75,3470myelin-zookeeper_clientzookeeper_client is a Ruby library to interface with the ZooKeeper replicated object st...
75,3470marvel_crawlerLightweight interface to communicate with the Marvel Comics API
75,3470ruboty-typetalktypetalk rubyty adapter.
75,3470restforce-queryA Query DSL for Restforce
75,3470mrpin-amfFast AMF3 serializer/deserializer with remoting request/response wrappers to simplify i...
75,3470logstash-input-nagioscheckParses the output of Nagios Checks (via exec input)
75,3470smalltimeSmalltime is a Ruby duration library that focuses on providing a great experience w...
75,3470icloud-photoThere seem to be no APIs to upload photos to iCloud, so here is a hack.
75,3470smashing_docsWrite API documentation using existing controller tests.
75,3470tractionA Ruby wrapper of the Traction Digital API. The wrapper contains only methods for endpo...