Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159301-159320 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051landbThis is a WSDL dynamic wrapper for lanDB to puppet use. It's writen from Anastasis Andr...
103,2051error# Error `Error` is a very small library that serves as a base `Class` for error `Class...
103,2051seven1m-prawn_template_handlerUber simple template handler for Prawn views in Rails
103,2051jumpstart_authSimplifies authenticating to online services.
103,2051signed_form-simple_formSimpleForm adapter for SignedForm
103,2051ruby-ogcRuby lib for OGC manipulations
103,2051picobrew-apiProvides a library to access your Picobrew data
103,2051hoptoad_handlerChef handler for sending exceptions to Hoptoad
103,2051nosecNOSEC is a big data platform for security. It's has many function for testing, so this ...
103,2051green_screenGreen Screen is a ssh-application framework that allows you to easily serve fast versio...
103,2051github-api-clientCaches retrieved information to your user profile and reuses it when you query again.
103,2051signature_dfeAssinatura digital de NF-e NFC-e NFA-e CT-e MDF-e BP-e
103,2051hashi-rubyImplémentation graphique du jeu du Hashi en gtk3
103,2051embulk-output-mongodbDumps records to Mongodb.
103,2051minifyMinify your files based on their filetype.
103,2051kudoughPerform a credit check using the Kudough web service.
103,2051ruby-mqtt-benchmqtt benchmark for ruby
103,2051omiOmi is a modular, batteries-included toolkit for building command line applications of ...