Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159381-159400 of all 180,534 gems.
142,2090google_oauthgoogle_oauth is a OAuth2 Ruby client library for the Google Data APIs
142,2090isomorfeusCommand line utilities and installer for isomorfeus projects.
142,2090hoofHoof is linux variant of pow. It's based on nss, eventmachine and unicorn
142,2090moodySimple and straightforward implementation of the state pattern, inspired by the StatePa...
142,2090markdown_videosMarkdown syntax parser to render embed services
142,2090gitioShrinks URLs using the github URL shortener, git.io
142,2090hellhoundAn authentication system based in third oauth party providers.
142,2090jekyll-pubmedA jekyll plugin to get publication details from pubmed using eutils
142,2090mastercard_blockchainb2bxbMasterCard BlockchainB2bxb Description
142,2090glebtv_resque_webA Rails-based frontend to the Resque job queue system.
142,2090marinaEncourages you to declare any hosts file entries you need alongside your project in a H...
142,2090gem-changelogThis gem plugin add changelog subcommand to te gem system.
142,2090jferris-rspec_macrosThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
142,2090hola_romanchukenatorA simple test of a simple gem
142,2090fluent-plugin-simple-logentriesPush fluent events to Logentries
142,2090kormaA static site generator for bloggers with multiple author support
142,2090integrativeIntegrative is a library for integrating external resources into ActiveRecord models.
142,2090middleman-blog-selfbookmarkCreate hatena bookmark on new post created.
142,2090finfastFast Ruby financial math operations, using native code
142,2090memorizeAllows Rails applications to do and control cache of actions