Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159361-159380 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850zerticoCollection of Patterns and Tools to increase development speed
157,4850tvmlRuby library for working with Apple's TVML built with Builder.
157,4850the_protectorEnable read-only mode on web services
157,4850trellSimple Ruby wrapper for the Trello API.
157,4850todoist-apiSimple ruby interface for the Todoist http API.
157,4850tk-parallelcoordinatesThis provides a rich Tk widget for displaying data across multiple axes with scaling.
157,4850wcc-rss-notificatorRSS feed notificator plugin for wcc
157,4850template_testesTemplate com o hooks configurado e alguns exemplos do cotidiano do usuario
157,4850validate_credit_card_fieldsSimple gem helpful in validating standard credit card forms
157,4850typed_operationTypedOperation is a command pattern implementation where inputs can be defined with run...
157,4850tilt-reactRender React.js JSX files with the Tilt templating system.
157,4850assemblage-webThis gem adds web services to an Assemblage continuous integration server. It's still ...
157,4850stone_view_toolprovides generated HTML data for Rails Applications
157,4850uc3-dmp-external-apiHelpers for communicating with external systems in a standardized way
157,4850upmanupman - Update Manager in Ruby
157,4850tagsinput-rails4Magically convert a simple text input into a cool tag list with this jQuery plugin. ...
157,4850testdocDocumentation generator for tests you want to give manuel testers.
157,4850speed_readA simple terminal-based open source spritz-alike. Allows you to read at a much more rap...
157,4850tilt-importantcssSprockets / Tilt engine that adds !important to all your css declarations.