Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159321-159340 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051senkusyaDeclarative patch
103,2051git-make_mirrorCreate a non-bare remote ready to accept pushes for deployment
103,2051haml2phlexthis is a 'good enough' converter from haml view rendering to phlex view .
103,2051ichverstehe-shout-botRidiculously simple library to quickly say something on IRC
103,2051sappyA wrapper for the SiteUptime API
103,2051isolate-lockdownExtension for Isolate that extracts dependent gem contents into a single, monolithic di...
103,2051grifizoidRack middleware for Mongo GridFileSystem
103,2051markdown_datafierAPI data structure generated from Markdown files
103,2051hobo_will_paginate-bootstrapThis gem integrates the Twitter Bootstrap pagination component with the will_paginate p...
103,2051jenkins_capadd Jenkins tasks to Capistrano
103,2051shafferj-zookeeper_clientzookeeper_client is a Ruby library to interface with the ZooKeeper replicated object st...
103,2051sabat-guard-rubocopGuard::Rubocop automatically checks Ruby code style with RuboCop when files are modified.
103,2051iatedThe It's All Text! Editor Daemon
103,2051pincodeGem to get details from pincode
103,2051showmeA simple gem to SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT
103,2051doc-msp-themeMittelstandsplattform documentation theme.
103,2051rr-temp-demo-demoAspecto SDK and Opentelemetry distribution for ruby programming language
103,2051shah-seed_dataCreate seed data rake tasks and use the new Model.create_or_update_seed() method to man...
103,2051dicom_study_factoryWe need dicom files populated with the right tags to test and use it for DEMOs. Unfor...
103,2051mongoid-textileTextile texts directly from MongoDB.