Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159341-159360 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850study_management_clientGem to access the study management service API
157,4850that_object_is_so_basicTOISB provides a wrapper class and a helper module for dealing with BasicObjects in style!
157,4850sparrow-themeA Jekyll theme for Smart Sparrow
157,4850spriteyTired of writing CSS sprites by hand? well this simple gem will make it easy
157,4850trakt_apiRuby client for trakt.tv API
157,4850tufteBlog/static site generator based on tufte-css
157,4850sqltestrunnerruns sqltests for CBS Testing environment
157,4850zugzwangConverts the metadata of PGN files from Lichess' game database to a database file, usin...
157,4850zassets-plugins-emberEmber JST processor for zassets.
157,4850syntheticSynthetic is an IRC bot framework based on Cinch and Wit.
157,4850vamVendor assets managment tool
157,4850twitter-bootstrappedTwitter Bootstrap 2 for Rails 3
157,4850weekdone-sdkA Ruby gem for communicating with the Weekdone REST API
157,4850worker-field-belongs_to_searchAdd support to search through (potentially large) belongs_to associations in your Admin...
157,4850zerticoCollection of Patterns and Tools to increase development speed
157,4850tvmlRuby library for working with Apple's TVML built with Builder.
157,4850the_protectorEnable read-only mode on web services
157,4850trellSimple Ruby wrapper for the Trello API.
157,4850todoist-apiSimple ruby interface for the Todoist http API.