Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160241-160260 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772ttt-cliКонсольная реализация игры "Крестики-нолики"
136,3772grizzliesIt's like Pandas... sort of.
136,3772pathtraqruby-pathtraq is a wrappter library for Pathtraq API
136,3772simple_form_jasny_fileuploadSimpleForm file upload input, formatted with Jasny Bootstrap Fileupload field, the file...
136,3772yariAn extension for Rspec that merges the advantages of using Gherkin as a communication t...
136,3772configatron_plusAids in using the configatron library by making it easy to read in multiple configurati...
136,3772buedaProvides a lightweight Ruby wrapper for the Bueda API.
136,3772omniauth-tudou-oauth2OmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for tudou.com.
136,3772wliconfigwliconfig is tiny utility that change connect wireless lan network by scraping configur...
136,3772termtableTable generator for the terminal
136,3772voteable_sessl_decgotealeaf challenge
136,3772acts_as_relationableMake Active Recored acts as relationable.
136,3772GallmanViewToolprovides generated HTML data for Rails Application
136,3772jekyll_pic_containerSimple Liquid Tag to wrap a picture tag in a caption
136,3772gdagley-bible_gatewayAn unofficial 'API' for BibleGateway.com.
136,3772insta_swagInstaSwag provides lighting-fast, dynamically generated [swagger-documentation](https:/...
136,3772nemesis-plugin-testgemA simple test gem
136,3772fontdockA toolbox for managing font families.
136,3772robot-army-git-deployRobot Army deployment with git repositories