Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160201-160220 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772html_safe_flashUse html_safe strings naturally in Rails flash messages
136,3772scribedownMarkdown for report writing
136,3772atcoder_148_aAtcoder 148 A
136,3772limitsConst Collections of limits.h.
136,3772greybutton_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
136,3772frandieguez-slicehostSlicehost Capistrano recipes for configuring and managing your slice.
136,3772activerecord-attribute_overrideAdds methods to your models to let you easily override instance attributes in specific ...
136,3772pg_tagspg_tags is a simple and high performance tagging gem for Rails using the PostgreSQL arr...
136,3772rack-blinkbox-zuul-tokensAutomatically processes Zuul authorisation tokens on Rack apps
136,3772zolaZola is an encryption engine for encrypting, decrypting, and cracking messages.
136,3772berkshelf-netrcextend berkshelf to support http authentication via netrc
136,3772langalex-authlogic_oauth2Authlogic OAuth2 is an extension of the Authlogic library to add OAuth2 support. OAuth2...
136,3772active_recorderThe gem creates a view, controller and routes to allow Rails developers to see their Ac...
136,3772plain-caseThe 'PlainCase' gem allows for clear representation of use cases in Ruby following the ...
136,3772cap_compute_engineCap production deploy
136,3772translateA utility to translate a UseCase workspace to a UserStory workspace
136,3772badger== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: It's free, it's quick, and it's easy. That being said, it requi...
136,3772steipete_is_paranoidActiveRecord 2.3 compatible gem "allowing you to hide and restore records without actua...
136,3772render_superDescription of RenderSuper.
136,3772vkteamsbotThis gem is a simple and minimalistic library for creating VK Teams bots.