Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160601-160620 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700concurrentrubyYou probably meant `gem install concurrent-ruby`.
38,9700databenderDatabase subset generator
38,9700moltinInteract with and fully manage your Moltin store from within your ruby application
38,9700methodsourceYou probably meant `gem install method_source`.
38,9700MoneyconverterThis module will be used to convert dollar to rupees
38,9700rock_paper_scissors_gameThis gem allows you to play Rock-Paper-Scissors game. You can play solo or with another...
38,9700itunes_app_reviewsScrapes iTunes for app reviews
38,9700broadband_mapRuby wrapper for Broadbandmap.gov api
38,9700magicbusA thin wrapper around RabbitMQ designed for delivery of push notifications to web clients.
38,9700rl_hiya_h_jezreljaneGreets Hi to all RubyLearning participants
38,9700rubyconfbd2013_helloA very basic gem demonstration for RubyConfBD 2013
38,9700path_treeModule that defines a tree data structure based on a path.
38,9700insights-loggers-rubyLoggers for Insights ruby projects
38,9700ottogen# Otto AsciiDoc static site generator. # Quickstart **Install Otto** ``` sh gem ins...
38,9700IsHealthyAggMonitors multiple URLs for a configured string. Expects to find the string on at least...
38,9700spinal_tapBackdoor into your long running ruby processes.
38,9700orchard-api-client-anmOrchard API client
38,9700lorem_ipsumA simple Lorem Ipsum generator for Rails3
38,9700sinatra-headSinatra::Head provides class methods and helpers for dynamically controlling the fields...
38,9700hello_universebecause Universe > World