Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160641-160660 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630rubysl-prettyprintRuby standard library prettyprint and pp.
85,8630ig-identity-rp-validatorRelying party validator for payloads generated by the id-io API
85,8630ki-repoA generic repository for storing packages and metadata related to the packages.
85,8630ffi-rc4OpenSSL/RC4 through FFI
85,8630rooftop-spektrix_syncA set of tasks to sync events between Spektrix and Rooftop CMS
85,8630jrmvnrunnerThis gem allows you to specify the jar-dependencies of your project and run your tasks ...
85,8630klaas1979-ivy4r-jarsContains all java jar dependencies for ivy4r[http://github.com/klaas1979/ivy4r/tree/mas...
85,8630ghaki-net-sshGhaki Net SSH is a collection of extensions for the Net SSH gem library.
85,8630motion-objc-runtimeExposes Objective-C runtime in RubyMotion
85,8630rialto-etlETL tools for RIALTO, Stanford University Libraries' research intelligence project
85,8630terraspace_vcs_azureTerraspace VCS Azure support
85,8630omnifocus_parserOmniFocus parser
85,8630scene_switcherSwitch scene easily.
85,8630hola12334A simple hello world gem
85,8630rack-allowed_hostsRack::AllowedHosts allows you to whitelist the hostnames allowed to serve the site....
85,8630jekyll-theme-parallelismA Jekyll version of the \"Parallelism\" theme by HTML5 UP, eased by lots of automations.
85,8630quicken-gitQuicken plugin to initialize Git repositories
85,8630thermostat_ArthurVerstraeteA thermostat gem
85,8630has_jwt_tokenHasJwtToken provides JWT autheticationfor models which are kean to use `has_secure_pass...