Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160661-160680 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700macgapCommand line utility for generating MacGap applications
38,9700sc_tmuxMake a remote tmux play well with ssh-agent
38,9700mutest-rspecRspec integration for mutest
38,9700code-formatterswift code formatter
38,9700spreeferenceapplication-wide and per model cached and persisted preferences
38,9700vcloud-edge_gatewayTool to configure a VMware vCloud Edge Gateway. Uses vcloud-core.
38,9700tori-railstori with rails
38,9700cocoapods-external-pod-sorter对 Podfile 中依赖 external 的组件进行分组.
38,9700tpb_apiThe ThePirateBay api for ruby apps
38,9700wwmdWWMD was originally intended to provide a console helper tool for conducting web appli...
38,9700acts_as_status_barRails StatusBar with ActiveRecord integration, permits dynamic custom output from your ...
38,9700s3-list-bucketss3-list-buckets shows the names and (optionally) location constraints of your S3 bu...
38,9700applecertmac tools for manage apple cert and provisioing
38,9700grgClient library and command-line tool to integrate with the garage.io app
38,9700omniauth-capsuleOmniAuth strategy for Capsule CRM.
38,9700creatableMixin adds create, and attribute methods. Use these instead of attr_ and the #create m...
38,9700r_calendarscript to generate calendar array
38,9700travis-env_varsParser for environment variables in .travis.yml
38,9700rbcalcRuby bindings for Piotr Beling's Bridge Calculator
38,9700no_nonsense_currency_converterA very simple currency converter based on the Google Finance Converter