Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160701-160720 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700paperclip-content_type_processorThis gem is Paperclip processor which allow specify file processing based on his conten...
38,9700changes_are_loggedTracks changes to your activerecord models
38,9700bosh-verifyconnectionsPerforms job interconnection verifications upon the target BOSH deployment manifest file.
38,9700vijayMaking sure your remote config is not tampered
38,9700lucid_reportCreate lucid test reports from Cucumber JSON results.
38,9700jrhicks-static_generatorsGenerate attractive interfaces that are easy to edit.
38,9700migration_rollinoutMakes life easier ;)
38,9700martina_view_toolsProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
38,9700persistent-dmndA tiny ruby gem that gives you a beautiful short-hand syntax for creating immutable arr...
38,9700cheeky-dreamsFor controlling dream cheeky usb light
38,9700arduino-mkCompile and upload Arduino sketches with Ruby.
38,9700chinese_capitaltransform number to chinese numerals or to chinese money.
38,9700jrun-rails_doormanRails plugin that provides an allow/deny DSL for controlling access
38,9700stacksterThats what I do
38,9700jamef-apiRuby wrapper for the Jamef.com.br SOAP API.
38,9700fluent-plugin-json-transform_exInput parser plugin which allows arbitrary transformation of input JSON
38,9700jrun-smalldurationLike Duration but only hours, minutes, seconds and sub second.
38,9700test_gem_supA simple hello world gem
38,9700kriterionExposes Puppet's compliance information in a REST API