Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160681-160700 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700josh-useragentUserAgent is a Ruby library that parses and compares HTTP User Agents.
38,9700jphastings-jd-controlControl JDownloader from ruby via the 'Remote Control' plugin
38,9700jphastings-PLW-ParseParses PicoTech's PLW files and allows access to the data therein. Also parses the PLS ...
38,9700jqr-negative_named_scopeNegative Named Scope will automatically generate the NOT'd version of your named scope.
38,9700rescataMicrolibrary for rescue exceptions declaratively in your Ruby classes.
38,9700rubodiffDiff the rubocop output between two github branches
38,9700my_string_extend_ankitThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
38,9700obrientimothya-jasper-railsA FORK of the fortesinformatica/jasper-rails project for a particular project. NOT inte...
38,9700faraday_body_loggerFaraday middleware that logs the request and response body
38,9700giraA Ruby application that allows for asynchronous callbacks of Github pull request events.
38,9700rspec-resourceRSpec Api explanded.
38,9700binfordToolkit with more power for github
38,9700bootstrap_form_helperA rails form helper and builder for use with Twitter's Bootstrap. It wraps form element...
38,9700image_bundleImageBundle adds a helper to Ruby on Rails to create image sprites and matching CSS rul...
38,9700simple_proxyThe gem in development is part of a suite of Developer Productivity Software that is st...
38,9700go_squaredCurrently only the trends part is covered
38,9700bob_testbob_test is dangerous.
38,9700google_chart_sslIncluding Google Charts in your SSL-protected site causes warnings about 'Mixed Content...
38,9700rccRuby command and control.
38,9700sprockets-standaloneRack task library for using Sprockets standalone.