Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160761-160780 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910blackwinter-ruby-backportsBackports of newer Ruby features to older versions.
151,8910em-pg-client-helperSimplify common operations using em-pg-client
151,8910DinnerLab_PlaidUpgraded to start testing first Plaid User. States hello world in different languages, ...
151,8910collection_baseCollection base for develop Collection in Cenithub
151,8910classy_cssA CSS compiler that allows you to write CSS as if it were Ruby
151,8910ddr_clientDuke Digital Repository API client generated by swagger-codegen (https://github.com/swa...
151,8910EGP_Rates_CLIShow EGP exchange rates in terminal
151,8910ctreatma-rails_sql_viewsAdds support for using SQL views within ActiveRecord
151,8910dir_checksumRuby library to recursively checksum a directory (and later diff working directory agai...
151,8910encrypted-environmentLoad encrypted variables into the environment
151,8910disable_sectionUI helper that disables an entire section with its inner html elements based on a given...
151,8910chrisjpowers-iterm_windowThe ItermWindow class models an iTerm terminal window and allows for full control via R...
151,8910critbitA crit bit tree, also known as a Binary Patricia Trie is a trie (https://en.wikipedia.o...
151,8910city_utcThis project consist of two parts First part includes sqlite database with two tables b...
151,8910docker-tagsTrack and report tags of followed Docker images.
151,8910fettFett brings all the information about your builds right to your chat room
151,8910denmarkDenmark will check a Puppet module for things you should be concerned about, like signs...
151,8910db_backup_railsSimple gem to back up your database to local storage
151,8910cromwellA very simple wrapper over Signal#trap method that allows you to easily protect your sc...
151,8910buttonsButtons is a Rack framework for working with JavaScript-heavy applications. It automati...