Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
161121-161140 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171cap_passenger_pingCapistrano task to ping your website and warm up passenger after deploy
147,2171peoplehrA library for interacting with the PeopleHR API to export and manipulate employee and o...
147,2171weixin_pamWith this engine, you can manage multiple Weixin Public Accounts
147,2171rmanCommand as 'man' with randomness.
147,2171simple_injectorA gem to handle dependency injection on ruby applications
147,2171abbaBayesian A/B Testing
147,2171rails-excel-rubyXL-strategyRails Excel strategy to write xlsx files through rubyXL gem
147,2171shatter-railsShatter is a generator for Rails that seperates an existing model logic into separate f...
147,2171applistCreates a list of free apps available on the Apple app store.
147,2171three_taps_apiA simple, lightweight wrapper to call the 3taps API. Requires an authentication key fr...
147,2171thriveClean-up tool
147,2171wp-capistranoCapistrano receipe for WordPress
147,2171webroarWebROaR is an application server that makes deployments of ruby web applications extrem...
147,2171aslakhellesoy-bcatpipe to browser utility
147,2171clojureA JavaGem-ized version of Clojure
147,2171phantomjs-linuxphantomjs binaries for linux
147,2171percy-hubPercy Hub
147,2171scoped_storageStores values in a thread local or thread global storage
147,2171aptlyWrapper for managing deb package repositories with aptly
147,2171rextractA web scraping framework based on Mechanize using the Dirt pattern. See https://github....