Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
161161-161180 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171simple_htmlA simple compilation of HTML helpers
147,2171vs_token_generatorGenerate a token based on time-stamp
147,2171bennetts_magical_gem# Pragmatic Studios Ruby Programming Course
147,2171sovren-rubySovren resume parsing API client for Meed Inc.
147,2171rwr-altThis integration makes it possible to populate and share Alt stores between react compo...
147,2171typieTypie helps you create kits with custom domains for each of your users' custom domains....
147,2171servitorA tool to help compose an SOA from 12-factor apps
147,2171whcalThes gem calculate the difference between two date time values. The output depends on t...
147,2171totoridipjptotori.dip.jp Web APIをRubyで利用するためのライブラリです
147,2171wes-data-apiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171action-planPlan and eventually execute actions
147,2171thereforeJust like each, therefore relies on block semantics, so it's essentially an if conditio...
147,2171aeden-dm-redis-adapterDataMapper adapter for the Redis key-value database
147,2171chef-handler-timereportChef report handler to generate reports about spent time on a Chef run, it's generating...
147,2171russian_hillProvides JBuilder-like views for building CableReady operations.
147,2171concernizeConcerns are very important to keep thing DRY and reusable and decoupling separate stac...
147,2171csv_sjisGenerate CSV for Shift_JIS
147,2171basic_serviceSimple class for a simple service object implementation.
147,2171quadraticEasily solve for x by using the quadratic formula.