Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
161141-161160 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171typed-enumA type-safe(ish) way to provide a constrained set of enumerated values that support bas...
147,2171restflowSimple DSL to assert REST services
147,2171snapshot_coverageAdd snapshot method to coverage lib
147,2171edm_festival_finderScrapes http://www.electronic-festivals.com for electronic festivals in the country sel...
147,2171battle_royal## battle royal A Mortal Kombat influenced battle royal gem ### To Use run `gem instal...
147,2171satiroHairy Ass Satiro
147,2171rubernateLibrary for Mapping Ruby Classes has Hibernate classes
147,2171cottonCotton is a JRuby exclusive Web Application Framework. It takes the best of Ruby frame...
147,2171rest_controller_generatorsRest Controller Generators
147,2171voteable_jsanchezPersonal learning voting gem
147,2171sixarm_ruby_geocode_addressSixArm Ruby Gem: sixarm_ruby_geocode_address
147,2171typable_mapTypableMap library inspired by TweetIrcGateway and FacebookIrcGateway
147,2171dm-googlebaseA DataMapper adapter for Google Base
147,2171bbpushBBPush is a simple server-side Blackberry push notification client that works with any ...
147,2171amer_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application
147,2171scaleway_dataSimple module to get current scaleway data project and region
147,2171unixconfigstyleThis library manage config file written in Unix style Can manage multi-values, concat...
147,2171rt_capistranoUse native capistrano tasks with Media Temple's (gs) Grid-Service accounts.
147,2171bbc_cucumber_saladA gem to manage the usage of cucumber/mocking/multiple devices