Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162341-162360 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380easyimg_utilsMakes manipulating images from 1 line of code easier.
69,2380fixed-arrayAdds a class, FixedArray, that extends Array, which removes all methods which can alter...
69,2380usefull_attachmentDescribe Gem Here
69,2380motion-ios-devicesSimplify RubyMotion build and run on simulator to target specific device
69,2380puukoThis library is a set of things collected to simplify development of HTTP microservices...
69,2380interactor-sidekiqAsync Interactor using Sidekiq
69,2380tinysplineTinySpline is a small, yet powerful library for interpolating, transforming, and queryi...
69,2380srawlins-scruffyScruffy is a Ruby library for generating high quality, good looking graphs. It is desig...
69,2380frozen_gems_generatorThe frozen_gems generator gives your Rails application its own private gem library, in ...
69,2380t2-serverThis gem provides access to the Taverna 2 Server REST interface from Ruby.
69,2380el_gatoA drb implementation of the tic tac toe game
69,2380terminal_colorA tiny Ruby library for colorizing terminal output.
69,2380exception_hubexception_hub logs exceptions in your Rails application to Github issues
69,2380pluckPluck is a command-line tool to help Linux Kernel Engineers.
69,2380ideviceRuby FFI bindings for libimobiledevice
69,2380endtoendpaper_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Tutorial palindrome detector
69,2380web5Create, manage and parse Decentralized Identifiers, Verifiable Credentials, and more.
69,2380omniauth-passetyPassety OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
69,2380fiveruns-dash-activerecordProvides an API to send metrics from applications using ActiveRecord to the FiveRuns Da...