Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162261-162280 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700uruzmake calculations of BMI and VO2max
38,9700soothsayerA Ruby client for Google's Prediction API
38,9700esi-sdkESI SDK is a Ruby API client for the EVE Swagger Interface (ESI), the official API for ...
38,9700gemfile_lockerGemfileLocker can lock all dependencies strictly or semi-strictly, so it gets safe to r...
38,9700sequel_sexy_validationsSequel plugin which provides sexy validations for model.
38,9700measurementA library for holding, converting and formatting measurements
38,9700imasqueradeiMasquerade is a Ruby project that allows for the retrieval of the original XML feed us...
38,9700futureshopfutureshop APIv2 client and tools
38,9700janrandomA toolkit for generating and managing randomized dummy users for your Capture instance
38,9700guanyi-erp管易ERP api ruby gem
38,9700lato_mediaLato is a modular management system for Rails
38,9700gaku_apiAPI functionality for GAKU Engine. See https://github.com/GAKUEngine/gaku
38,9700jimothyDescription of Jimothy.
38,9700lita-memeAuto-generates memes
38,9700mdh-ec2onrailsClient-side libraries (Capistrano tasks) for managing and deploying to EC2 on Rails se...
38,9700kyle_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails app
38,9700lita-cleverbot-demoHelp your Lita chatbot ask Cleverbot when she runs out of things to say.
38,9700activerecord-ingres-adapterActiveRecord Ingres Adapter and driver for the Ingres Enterprise Relational Database
38,9700phantomjs2Auto-install phantomjs on demand for current platform. Comes with poltergeist integration.
38,9700cocoapods-ipubipub plug-in.