Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162301-162320 of all 180,385 gems.
141,5510activebroadcastMakes it simpler to integrate CableReady and StimulusReflex with ActiveRecord callbacks
141,5510bananasBananas is a library for displaying monkey patches defined on a given tree of objects. ...
141,5510date-rangeRuby port of Perl's Date::Range
141,5510apiotics_aws_clientThe gem is using the MQTT protocol to execute the command defined by the AWS IoT platfo...
141,5510couch-quiltAccess CouchDB JSON documents from filesystem.
141,5510clustrThis gem uses Amazon SimpleDB and other adapters, to track namespaced attributes for in...
141,5510egze-twitterwrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)
141,5510elia-ruby-authoxyA Ruby version of the popular Authoxy program by Heath Raftery (http://www.hrsoftworks....
141,5510aws-alert-monitorI watch an SQS queue and escalate alert messages.
141,5510elisehuard-google_translateGoogle Translate Ruby API - based on google documentation
141,5510ConnectSDKConnect SDK
141,5510animotoThe Animoto API is a RESTful web service that transforms images, videos, music, and tex...
141,5510ang_ttt_gemA Tic Tac Toe game made by Angeleah
141,5510activerecord_unload_all_fixturesremove all fixtures associated with activerecord models
141,5510acts_as_comparableAdds ActiveRecord model comparison functionality.
141,5510altpassGenerate passwords derived from hand-alternating, visually unambiguous, alphanumeric ch...
141,5510bilAn encoder and decoder to turn arrays of arbitrarily large (non-negative) integers into...
141,5510elliottcable-jelloA library to watch the OS X pasteboard, and process/modify incoming pastes.
141,5510cfdi40Tool for create, read and edit XML files of CFDI (Comprobantes Fiscales Digitales por I...
141,5510bookingsync-sidekiq-pro-extended-metrics-collectorGem for collecting extended metrics for Sidekiq Pro.