Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162721-162740 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170doubterA really awful router
141,6170capistrano-vmfSome capistrano automation to handle apps deployed to VM Farms
141,6170atethechonOpen Source collection of contacts from Development Organizations around the world.
141,6170cloud_connectSimple wrapper for the CloudConnect v3 API
141,6170domino_simulatordomino simulator
141,6170boomerang-railsRedirect away from an action and come back later
141,6170attr_delegatedDelegate an ActiveModel attribute and all its meta methods to another model.
141,6170bbc_data_serviceBBC Data Service
141,6170art_throughout_the_yearsCLI to assist in research and education of the history and progress of art.
141,6170evilrevilr allows you to do things you shouldn't. It's inspired by evil.rb, but written in ...
141,6170API_FuzzerAPIFuzzer gem builds api for finding security issues through a fuzzer
141,6170andrew_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
141,6170cf_remote_ipGem that facilitates the recovery of the client's real ip through the conventional subs...
141,6170aws-cfn-dslRuby DSL for creating Cloudformation templates
141,6170astronautComing soon!
141,6170aws_statusRetrieve status of aws services
141,6170armsA library which offers flexible, chained serializion for Active Record
141,6170dutchfakerCreates fake Dutch names and addresses
141,6170datasetA simple API for creating and finding sets of data in your database, built on ActiveRec...
141,6170aisequenceagiAsagi evolved out of the ExperienceSequencer. Note that you'll still need to modify the...