Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164321-164340 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171spree_pluginsThis enables storefront owners to add custom scripts to their site to include advanced ...
147,2171ratapproxImproved rational approximation algorithm that overrides the to_r method of Float
147,2171smsdigitalA ruby gem to use Smsdigital service. In this first version only one message and one re...
147,2171sportdb-writerssportdb-writers - sport.db writers for match schedules and results, and more
147,2171aloeAloe is double-entry bookkeeping engine for Rails apps
147,2171billgathen-skyscraperTest project to do screen-scraping using Hpricot.
147,2171sprout-degrafa-libraryDegrafa is a declarative graphics framework for Flex.
147,2171structifierOpenStruct-ify your instance methods.
147,2171rubocop_config_updaterUpdate obsolete rubocop configuration.
147,2171codebotCodebot is an IRC bot that receives GitHub webhooks and forwards them to IRC channels. ...
147,2171railnrollFixtures created by active record models
147,2171tmpgemTemporary gem installer
147,2171crusade-gcmGoogle Cloud Messaging plugin for crusade
147,2171postmanpostman is a ruby daemon for fetching mail for an address via pop3 and then delivering ...
147,2171workinstartups-apiAPI wrapper around a publicly exposed endpoint
147,2171quarter_date_selectSimple date helper to create a quarter of year select tag.
147,2171replace_regexA Liquid filter to perform regex replace