Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165521-165540 of all 180,616 gems.
75,2300odoTurns a static site into a web application.
75,2300ivory_towerEasy abstraction for working with rabbitmq
75,2300getlocalThis is a in house tool developed by Palringo to help interface with the GetLocaization...
75,2300play-tmdbPlay with the tmdb api.
75,2300remoParses a string and add Emoticons in it.
75,2300kladrImporter of russian classificator of addresses
75,2300iocxMinimal dependency injection container for Ruby
75,2300locales_toysToys template for locales.
75,2300fastlane-plugin-discord_webhook_notifierNotify a Discord channel easily when a build breaks
75,2300L2Message utilities for the Ruby console.
75,2300moltinInteract with and fully manage your Moltin store from within your ruby application
75,2300sensu-plugins-influxdb-metrics-checkerThis plugin retrieves metrics and evaluate them. Aiming to track outages.
75,2300tbkapi淘宝客api ruby 调用
75,2300tvtidClient library for tvtid.tv2.dk
75,2300prezzoToolbox to create complex pricing models
75,2300selleo-controller_testsShared examples for controller tests
75,2300plan_executorA Gem for handling FHIR test executions
75,2300qc-mailerRails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and QueueClassic.
75,2300remotrSee https://github.com/bukowskis/remotr
75,2300heartwoodRails generators to facilitate development.