Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165541-165560 of all 180,616 gems.
75,2300primitive_wrapperThis gem creates a thin shell to encapsulate primitive literal types such as integers, ...
75,2300gaurun-rubygaurun API for ruby
75,2300latheGenerator for minxing365's plugin developer.
75,2300omniauth-cloud66Unofficial OmniAuth strategy for Cloud66.
75,2300methodsourceYou probably meant `gem install method_source`.
75,2300require_patternRequires files based on a pattern in a robust and optimistic manner.
75,2300lita-twitterA Twitter adapter for the Lita chat robot.
75,2300sassificatorConverts Css formatted code to Sass. Generates a Sass formatted hierarchy object, as we...
75,2300itunes_app_reviewsScrapes iTunes for app reviews
75,2300path_treeModule that defines a tree data structure based on a path.
75,2300fakeiteasyA .Net dynamic fake framework for creating all types of fake objects, mocks, stubs etc,...
75,2300permittersPermitters are an object-oriented way of defining what request parameters are permitted...
75,2300james-bondJames is a bond framework for web development that offers MVC framework and Ruby friend...
75,2300flyMore to come...
75,2300hola_arturkrasnyhA simple hello world gem
75,2300janeexperiment in monkey-patching
75,2300gnu_mpcgnu_mpc - providing Ruby bindings to the MPC library.
75,2300how2CLI tool to organize How To notes
75,2300thehenster-resque-schedulerLight weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to s...
75,2300ottogen# Otto AsciiDoc static site generator. # Quickstart **Install Otto** ``` sh gem ins...