Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165561-165580 of all 180,616 gems.
75,2300orchard-api-client-anmOrchard API client
75,2300meansCalculates the different means for a data set (arithmetic, geometric and harmonic).
75,2300gitloc-derreckmansheimExample project for CodePlatoon, see https://github.com/DerreckM/Gem-gitloc -- gives li...
75,2300log_wrapperA trivial wrapper for the Ruby Logger that adds convenience methods for timing executio...
75,2300mongoid_versioned_atomiccoming soon.
75,2300fastlane-plugin-souyuzA fastlane component to make Xamarin builds a breeze
75,2300mobjUtils and extentions for various ruby objects
75,2300fluent-plugin-mongostatfluentd input plugin for mongostat.
75,2300oss_xcodesnippetA command-line interface for installing Xcode Snippets.
75,2300infManage your AWS infrastructure a certain kid of way.
75,2300imgix-optimizerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
75,2300rack-slRack middleware for parsing X-SecondLife headers.
75,2300logstash-input-crawlerThis plugin need set the initial url.
75,2300spinal_tapBackdoor into your long running ruby processes.
75,2300n_gramA simple NGram generator
75,2300hello_universebecause Universe > World
75,2300mongoid-letsrateProvides the best solution to add rating functionality to your models using mongoid.
75,2300miracle_growThis is a gem to wrap the Planting Season API
75,2300time_compactDisplays time compactly.
75,2300teacherFlexible language for defining grades calculations.