Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166861-166880 of all 180,599 gems.
131,2430utility_drawerThis gem contains a bunch of useful utilities.
131,2430active_factoryFixtures replacement with sweet syntax
131,2430colConsole color formatting library with abbreviations (e.g. 'rb' for red and bold), a...
131,2430bryanwoods-meanMean finds the mean of an array of integers. As a bonus feature, Mean also finds the su...
131,2430adhawkInterface with AdHawk
131,2430critiquecritiques your code
131,2430archive_listerAsk archives about URLs
131,2430dandanrandom utils for daniely
131,2430usesDeclare that one classes uses an instance of another to help your code be a bit more su...
131,2430bundler-checksumTrack checksums locally with Bundler
131,2430api_canonapi_canon is a declarative documentation generator for APIs. Dec...
131,2430delayed-job-ajaycbDelayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
131,2430exetelThis gem wraps the SMS service provided by Exetel. You are required to have an Exetel a...
131,2430compass-rails4Integrate Compass into Rails 4.0.
131,2430authenticateAuthentication for Rails applications
131,2430berkshelf-notifiers-datadogWrap Berkshelf & send a Datadog event when uploading a cookbook.
131,2430elastic-backup-2s3I simply want to be able to control the backup and restoration of the Elasticsearch c...
131,2430authify-apiAuthify API Server library
131,2430akatus-railsRails goodies for integrating Akatus with your application. Built on top of the Akatus ...
131,2430expo-flubberUpdate your react native expo apps Over-The-Air without size restriction