Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166881-166900 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850torischuyler_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
157,4850wordcutWord segmentation tools for ASEAN languages written in Ruby
157,4850thisisbadif you ever want to pretend python could have rspec
157,4850wdi-submitSubmitting homework for GA's WDI.
157,4850tamagoyaconsole output tamagoya menu
157,4850weather_city_forecastA Ruby interface to the OpenWeatherMap.
157,4850table2liA HTML to HTML converter. Converts from table to list.
157,4850weather-mgWeather command line application
157,4850sseA ruby gem for safe and secure execution of POSIX sh.
157,4850xcskarelTool for managing your Xcode Server & Bot configurations from the command line
157,4850tezos_clientWrapper to the tezos client.
157,4850voteable_gem_mweickcommon vote logic for Posts/Comments
157,4850wallyqs-org-rubyThis gem contains Ruby routines for parsing org-mode files.The most significant thing t...
157,4850webmock-fixturesLibrary to help manage WebMock fixtures
157,4850tumasmsRuby on Rails Wrapper for Tumasms gateway
157,4850stdd-apiAPI for reporting to stddtool
157,4850trumpAdd a gem to the Gemfile with more info in comments.
157,4850unleash-incogniaExtends Unleash Ruby client with Incognia strategies.
157,4850babelnetBabelnet is a programmatic API Library for Babelnet.