Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167001-167020 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171darmani_game78A Darmani game
147,2171vcloud-network-configuratorIt allows one to right rules for firewall, NAT and load balancer using vcloud API and c...
147,2171weather_todayCurrently, it is only available for locations within Japan.
147,2171portertech-sensu-extensionsThe Sensu extension loader library
147,2171self_inquirerAdd to built-in classes a method to test for equality.
147,2171darmani_game86A Darmani game
147,2171darmani_game88A Darmani game
147,2171cinch-authentication-hotfixAn authentication system with multiple strategies for the Cinch IRC framework. It's jus...
147,2171yh-docxFork of 'docx' gem
147,2171change_class2change the class of an object
147,2171truemanEasily assert truthy and falsy values on strings integers
147,2171dcq_hiA simple hello world gem
147,2171trivial_tokensHandles tokenInput boilerplate so you don't have to
147,2171darmani_game9A Darmani game
147,2171darmani_game93A Darmani game
147,2171ramverkRamverk is a web application framework written in Ruby.
147,2171rpg_diceRuby code to roll varying amounts of polyhedral.
147,2171crypto64Encrypt and decrypt text of arbitrary length using RSA cyphers. Extends the RSA c...
147,2171activerecord-postgres-postgisWrite a longer description. Optional.