Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167021-167040 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380solar_noonThis gem extends Date, Time and DateTime with solar noon calculation functions. It ...
89,5380dockerizeDockerizes your application
89,5380grimen-rainbowAn efficient MD5 hash lookup based on one of the biggest rainbow lookup tables available.
89,5380mongoid_scribeMongoid Scribe
89,5380garapongarapon TV API wrapper
89,5380I18nFloatAllow french like format for ActiveModel Float / Decimal attributes. \ User inputs li...
89,5380grimen-validatious_on_railsRails plugin that maps model validations to class names on form elements to integrate w...
89,5380grosser-clear_empty_attributesSave empty strings as nil to avoid lots of problems
89,5380grosser-db_graphAR generate beautiful graphs from date fields, in 1 LOC
89,5380kangoWraps the brilliant Kango Framework with ruby niceties
89,5380thingspeak-apiA wrapper for the ThingSpeak API to make interacting with your ThingSpeak channels easy...
89,5380docker_registryDocker registry HTTP API client
89,5380n4jA little spiked out thing.
89,5380spectrMicro unit test framework
89,5380git_compoundCompose you project using Git repositories and ruby tasks
89,5380fill_murrayEasily add photos of Bill Murray, Nick Cage and Steven Segal to your project, because w...
89,5380gem_hujun2016"A simple gem test"
89,5380mbdbThe .mbdb file extension is associated with the Apple iTunes, the standard manage appli...
89,5380pg-urlPostgres connection string builder gem with construction through a prompt or Ruby method.
89,5380qredsQuery reducers with built-in support for ActiveRecord & Grape, open for custom extensions.