Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167301-167320 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171cisco-iseA Ruby Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) API Wrapper
147,2171tulios-brcobrancaGem para emissão de bloquetos de cobrança de bancos brasileiros. Fork de http://github....
147,2171vagrant-runcManage runc containers in a host
147,2171voteable_tl_2015The best voting gem ever.
147,2171simple_xml_parserParses XML containing an array of records into an array of Ruby hashes.
147,2171decidim-survey_resultsThis module enables the admins to show survey results to participants though a new surv...
147,2171webpacker-manifest_remotewebpacker extention to use remote webpacker url
147,2171superclass_delegating_accessorA Ruby utility that defines both class and instance accessors for class attributes. Cre...
147,2171color-outputGenerate colorized console output
147,2171capture-outputProvides Caputere.output, Capture.stdout and Capture.stderr methods that can be used to...
147,2171duitAdd items to Duluth's GTD inbox from the command line
147,2171apisearchApisearch client for Ruby
147,2171cchookcreate easy hook script
147,2171command_socksifysocksify command
147,2171capybara_turbolinksThis gem will help you ensure that your Capybara tests wait for Turbolinks to finish pa...
147,2171shateiel_new_gemsfor test
147,2171carvalho_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails app
147,2171vmoptInternal virtual machine operations application: including N...
147,2171twiqsimple queue system for twitter
147,2171remove_white_borderThis is a command line tool for removing the white border around an image, often create...