Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167941-167960 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300huebotDeclare and run YAML programs for Philips Hue devices
85,4300fluent-plugin-ftpFTP input / output plugin for Fluentd data collector
85,4300news_reader_cliParse API from News API for viewing 36 top US breaking news from a variety of publishers
85,4300node-runner-temp-fix-windowsA simple way to execute Javascript in a Ruby context via Node
85,4300nkpart-prohaxThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
85,4300notch8-alter-egoAlterEgo is a Ruby implementation of the State pattern as described by the Gang of Four...
85,4300occson-railsStore, manage and deploy configuration securely with Occson.
85,4300isisbnValidate the ISBN Numbers
85,4300lemmys_quotesA gem to give you beautiful quotes straight from hell by Lemmy Kilmister
85,4300dot_numberCheck for integer equality for any number using syntax like '.zero?'
85,4300graphtunesfor visualization of music playlist data
85,4300rspec-actionAdds an "action" method to rspec examples, which is a last "before" in fact
85,4300kfoldCreate K-fold splits from data files and assist in training and testing (useful for cro...
85,4300mongo-hadoopRuby MongoDB Hadoop streaming support
85,4300pfsc-gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
85,4300puremvc-rubyPureMVC is a lightweight framework for creating applications based upon the classic Mod...
85,4300surelySurely watches your screenshots directory and upload new files to your imgur account.
85,4300resque-batchworkerForks X children, processes all jobs in the queue and all processes quit when there are...
85,4300jdbc-filemakerInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/filemaker'` and invoke `Jdbc::Filemaker.load_driver` wi...