Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168021-168040 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840with_rate_limitAllows operations that are passed into `with_rate_limit` block to be rate limited
143,3840nsumenaturally consume by ruby.
143,3840mongrel_send_fileThe mongrel_send_file GemPlugin
143,3840v2_intuityWrapper allows one to manage V2Intuity's Rest API and even create/update/delete Streams...
143,3840mikehodgson-bencodeRuby bindings for the bencode data serialization format.
143,3840nbu_ratesFetches currency rates from https://bank.gov.ua/
143,3840lite-reportImport and export Ruby and Rails objects to flat files and vice versa
143,3840tota11y-railsAn accessibility (a11y) visualization toolkit http://khan.github.io/tota11y/
143,3840message_bus_client_workerSubscribe to MessageBus using Sidekiq workers
143,3840test-loopContinuous testing for Ruby with fork/eval
143,3840do_riakThis is a data objects adapter for Riak. It's builded on top of the generic rrriak adap...
143,3840vfeskov_edu_gemgem that extends all classes with to_json method
143,3840namptPayment gem
143,3840new_data_notifierIf there is some new users signed up on your site or some new articles been added by so...
143,3840MikeSofaer-saxual-replicationDatabase replication from XML with SAXMachine
143,3840yano-jquery-railsThis gem provides jQuery, jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Rails 4+ application.
143,3840localbitcoinsRuby wrapper for the LocalBitcoins API
143,3840valligatorAllows one to implement object validations without writing too much code
143,3840waylon-slackFull Slack integration for the Waylon Bot Framework