Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167981-168000 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900coba-testrunnerrun test case agains some config
140,0900bermudaProvides cucumber step definitions for testing jQuery UI widget interactions with capybara
140,0900befogThe befog gem allows you to manage your cloud servers directly from the command-line.
140,0900capistrano-ext-projectdxLocal extensions to capistrano, which others may find useful
140,0900controller_scaffolderEasily scaffold RESTful controllers
140,0900wit-importerImport exported zip app into existing app
140,0900cericksen_foojust a useless test gem, derp
140,0900adfADF gem helps you to easily create Auto-Dealer Format XML files using Ruby's DSL
140,0900volt-semanticuiSemantic UI for the volt framework. Check the semantic-ui.com to get more detail
140,0900benzoTake the edge off when doing (command) lines.
140,0900addresslogic_railsThis is a gem port of binary logics 'addresslogic' to Rails 3 and a Gem
140,0900underpantsUnderpants will be released on August 19th. This is just a gem placeholder.
140,0900code_inspectorCentralizes the configuration of code inspectors like Rubocop, Rubycritic, JS-lint ...
140,0900cocoalocalizeA Cocoa (OSX) automatic localizer for MainMenu
140,0900us_states_selectUS State select Rails plugin
140,0900active_record-writeA library for doing pooled writes to a SQL Datbase
140,0900dcellDCell is an distributed object framework based on Celluloid built on 0MQ and Zookeeper
140,0900awesome_xml_dslA simple yet powerful ruby dsl for generating XML files
140,0900blockrblockr is a commandline line tool to help you easily block websites, and unblock them w...