Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
169561-169580 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051rubocop-nwwRubyCop defaults for Nix-wie-weg
103,2051jls-http_parser.rbRuby bindings to http://github.com/ry/http-parser and http://github.com/a2800276/http-p...
103,2051omnomnomString truncator methods
103,2051location4meshcodeI will write this section when I finish creating this gem
103,2051safe-meAdd typechecking whenever you need it, without messing up your class files.
103,2051simple-messaginga messaging gem for rails
103,2051haversine_formulaGem for calculating the distance between 2 GPS coords
103,2051github_to_slackRailsEngine to manage slack notifications from GitHub
103,2051request_registryPer-request registry
103,2051polen_charity_donation_apiA sua API de doações.
103,2051simple_unit_converterThis gem helps to convert units to different measurements unit. example mph to kmph, to...
103,2051pixeltrix-nullify_blanksA simple wrapper class that provides basic access to the Prowl API.
103,2051xHire-activerecord-tablelessActiveRecord Tableless provides a simple mixin for creating models that are not bound t...
103,2051maze-clientmaze client
103,2051regulateRails 3 engine that provides a Git backed CMS that allows for an admin to define editab...
103,2051golang-demofor learn golang
103,2051investolink"Crowdnetic provides transparency for the private and crowdfunded securities marketplac...
103,2051didactic_clock_rmgem description
103,2051license_generatorChoose the license and generate required documents